Jacqueline's Homepage
Home My family People and Places My favourite links Dutch version
Who am I?
My name is Jacqueline, married to
Paul, and mother of Marianne and Kevin. I live in the
Netherlands, in the "Randstad".
I am "online" since August, 1999. I didn't
like my computer at first, in the beginning I only saw
it as a necessary evil. But the longer I worked with
my computer the more I started to
like working with it. I have to admit that fear for
the unknown was mostly the trouble at first,
fear that the system would crash on me ( and oh my,
that happened quite often!) and when it
crashed it always was at the time I had neglected to
back up the system.
It has happened so many times that I was ready to
throw my computer out of the window and
then jump right after it *grin*. Not that that would
have had a great effect, I work on the ground
floor *grin*...
But I have learned a lot since the start and am still
learning and eager to learn.
At my job at VisieFit I really depend on my
Not only for doing the administration and the accounting, but
also for the making of presentations and education material. I
use the internet a lot, not in the least because more and more
workorders come in through e-mail. Looking for relevant
professional literature is nowadays very easy and cheap with the
help of all the search engines on the internet, I like to consult
the Nederlands
Paramedisch Instituut for their easy access and if I want to
order some professional books I like to use the online ordersheet
of paramedical
publisher Dekker.
My first "personal homepage" I just started in good faith (April, 2000). I have always enjoyed trying to speak foreign languages and to puzzle. And the HTML actually is a "foreign" language and a puzzle at the same time. That personal homepage has grown a lot since the first one, but I know there is still a lot to improve.Web page building is both interesting and challenging. At this moment I am working with Frontpage Express (yeah, yeah, I know it is for the lazy web page builders, and that it isn't the ultimate challenge to get forward), but at this moment I neither have the time nor the peace and quiet to jump in more HTML, frames and JavaScript. But I am sure that time will come. Eventually...
I still am fascinated by the Web,
everyday I discover new things, interesting and nice people are
just a mouse click away, with a mouse click you can go virtually
on vacation or shop untill you drop...Awsome!
Through the internet I was able to locate my halfsister Marianne in the United States of America and in May, 2000, I went to New York City together with my sister-in-law Petra to finally meet Marianne and her son Chris.
Between the internet, my
homepage and ofcourse my job, there
still is time for my favourite hobby: vacation!
Preferably ofcourse in
my favourite vacation country Spain. What
it is that attracts me so
much in Spain? The people, the beautiful nature, the
sun and the
beach, the great food....Practically everything!
Click here and here
to get more information about Spain. Another hobby of
mine is my
camera, small and simple. Everywhere I go, it
goes with me.
Paul hardly can get his hands on it, that's one of
the reasons there
aren't that many photographs of me on these pages.
Besides that
I am, and so is my daughter, fairly camera shy. The
you see here, Paul had to take from a hidden place
between the
palm trees from a rather large distance. Mother *and*
caught eventually on a photograph....
This is a personal homepage, with the emphasis on personal. I know my homepage still isn't what I want it to be. If you have any remarks, please let me know. I am still eager to learn! In the mean time: thanks for dropping by and feel free to browse around.
Click here to return to my homepage.
This page is last updated August 21, 2000.
Everything on this page, text, photographs and images, is, unless strictly mentioned otherwise, mine, wherever on this planet I might be